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Why These 3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments Are Perfectly Safe

January 20, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — chenetdoc @ 5:54 pm
Woman smiling brightly with red lipstick

Cosmetic dentistry is a popular way to enhance your aesthetics without major surgery or lengthy procedures. Because it’s so popular, though, chances are you’ve heard a rumor or two about the safety of some of these treatments! Rest assured, when overseen by a qualified professional, dental cosmetics are perfectly safe for your smile. Keep reading to see why you can be confident in these 3 treatments.

Porcelain Veneers and Your Enamel

You might’ve heard that during the porcelain veneer process, your dentist will remove some of your enamel – which sounds important. Indeed, enamel reduction is not usually recommended! This is the outermost layer of your teeth, and it protects the more sensitive layers from bacteria, infection, and otherwise painful stimulus.

However, your dentist will only remove a tiny sliver of your enamel – about the thickness of a contact lens, to be exact. And since your veneers will effectively replace this outer layer as a dental shield, you’ll likely experience no increased risk to your oral health after treatment.

Teeth Whitening and Dental Sensitivity

Some people say that teeth whitening treatments can cause dental sensitivity. It’s true that your smile might feel more tender after the special whitening agents lift the stains from your enamel, but this effect is usually temporary. The vast majority of patients feel normal again in about one or two weeks.

Where you might experience more long-term sensitivity is if you receive a teeth whitening treatment with an active case of cavities. Fortunately, your dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth to make sure this doesn’t happen!

Invisalign vs. Mail-In Aligners

Why would you go through the trouble of getting impressions and seeing a dentist for Invisalign when you could just have clear aligners mailed right to your doorstep? This is a question many patients wonder, and the answer is “because it’s not safe.” Mail-order programs don’t involve a licensed professional, and the trays are not customized for your mouth. Because of this, participants often find their teeth moving in the wrong direction!

With a qualified dentist supervising your Invisalign treatment, that’s not something you would have to worry about, and you can rest assured that your trays will fit perfectly.


Overall, dental cosmetics are minimal and noninvasive, making them extremely low-risk treatments. Plus, you can trust your dentist to be dedicated to your safety. If a treatment could put your oral health in danger, they’ll let you know right away and help you find an alternative solution. Just put your confidence – and your smile – into their capable hands!

About the Practice

At Dr. Chenet’s dental office, we prioritize artistry, expertise, and technical skill – all things you want your cosmetic dentist to focus on! We can craft you beautiful dental cosmetics that will blend seamlessly with your smile, and will actively take steps to help ensure your safety while doing so. If you have questions or concerns about cosmetic dentistry, please contact our friendly team at 321-253-3136.

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