So far, you’ve been pretty adamant about adhering to the CDC’s recommended social distancing guidelines to avoid catching COVID-19. One day you’re watching a movie at home and chowing down on some popcorn when crunch! You accidentally bite down too forcefully on a stray kernel. You spit only to find that a piece of your tooth has chipped off! Is it safe to visit your dentist near Viera for treatment? Do they keep their offices clean enough, especially during a pandemic? Let’s go over exactly how your dentist keeps their instruments clean.
(more…)How Your Dentist Keeps Their Instruments Clean
May 26, 2020
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What Are the Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings?
May 9, 2020
When the unfortunate time comes around and you are needing a filling, it’s important to know exactly what is going in your mouth. After all, it is the entrance to the one and only body you have. For many years, amalgam (metal) has been the most common material used for fillings. However, these metals often contain mercury which is toxic to the body. Despite their durability, you want to have a safe experience. Now, tooth-colored fillings have been becoming more and more common. Your dentist in Viera can tell you the benefits of tooth-colored fillings over their metal predecessor.
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